Heart-Warming Arjuna Moon Milk with Rose Petal Jam
Moon Milk is a soothing, delicious milk-based hot beverage that has its roots in the healing tradition of Ayurveda. It’s useful for deep relaxation and sound rest, and is often taken at bed-time to calm stress and anxiety. Adding medicinal ghee increases the effectiveness and potency of the herb, carrying it deeper into the body. Feel free to adjust the spices as desired.
  • 1-1/4cups milkor non-dairy alternative
  • 1/4tsp dried gingerground
  • 1/8tsp turmericground
  • 1/8 tsp saffron
  • Pinch black pepperground
  • 1 tsp Arjuna Ghee
  • 1-2tsp Chyawanprashoptional
  • Rose Petal Jamor another natural sweetener
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan; whisk in ginger, turmeric, saffron and black pepper.
  2. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour into a mug; add Arjuna Ghee, Chyawanprash, if desired, and Rose Petal Jam to taste. Enjoy hot!