If you love ghee, you have smart taste buds! Not only is ghee delicious and nutritious, but that fragrant buttery oil also holds an exalted place in Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India). Ghee has amazing benefits as a stand-alone, and its healthful qualities are amplified when prepared with herbs such as Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, […]
Introduction to Ayurveda: A Balance of the Elements
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]by Greta Kent-Stoll, CAS BALANCE IS RELATIVE Have you ever wondered why some people run warm and some run cold? Or why one person loves spicy food and another one can’t stand hot spices? Or why some people are always mellow and calm and others are prone to nervousness and stress? The Ayurvedic answer […]
Fruit Smoothie with Amla (Amalaki) Powder
Cow’s Milk: Is It Really Only For Calves?
Although for thousands of years humans have used the milk of other mammals as a nutritious food source, in recent years, the way the animals are raised, how they are fed, and the components of the milk has led to a host of questions about its health benefits, in particular cow’s milk which many authorities […]
Getting Healthy From the Start: Dietary Tips for Parents & Children
As obesity rates in children have risen over time, parents and health professionals are now recognizing the need to develop healthy habits at an early age. Developing good health habits at an early age makes them easier to maintain into adulthood and helps avoid illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure. Of course, doing this […]
Using Ghee for Massage
I just learned about a boy who was very weak since he was born. The new nanny started giving this boy a daily massage with pure ghee (following the Indian tradition) and within a month this boy became much healthier with a beautiful glowing skin. Ghee is considered to have anti-aging properties. It protects the […]