We use special jar lids to seal our ghee jars so they don’t leak precious golden oil all over your shipping box or your counter. But we know they can’t sometimes be difficult to open! Don’t worry if the lid is on tight! This is by design, and there is actually a really easy trick […]
Cultured Ghee
Curious about the texture of your ghee?
Ghee contains many fatty acids with different melting points, which allows it to exist at many different textures, even at the same temperature. Grainy/Gritty, Solid, Creamy, and Liquid are all normal textures of traditionally made ghee. When we make small batches, we pour the ghee into the jars when it is still liquid, close […]
Difference between ghee and cultured ghee
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many people ask us “what is the difference between ghee and cultured ghee”? The answer is actually very simple. Ghee is made from milk, and cultured ghee is made from yogurt. Cultured ghee is made by simmering unsalted butter over low heat until the milk solids separate from the liquid fat. To make cultured ghee, […]
Dairy Intolerance is not a dairy allergy
Dairy intolerance can present in a wide array of annoying symptoms. Dairy intolerance should not be confused with a true allergy to dairy products. For most people who have dairy intolerance, it is simply unpleasant to consume dairy foods that trigger the annoying symptoms, but for those with true allergies, it may trigger a serious […]
Ghee vs. Butter
1) Great for cooking: Ghee does not contain milk solids and it is very stable at high heat. Because of its high smoke point (~485 °F), it is considered one of the best oils for baking, sautéing and deep fat frying. When you sauté with butter, the milk solids precipitate to the bottom of the pan […]
What is ghee?
Ghee is a healthy, shelf-stable alternative to plain butter or other cooking oils. Indian ghee is used as an ingredient in traditional dishes, as an ideal fat for frying, and even in Ayurvedic supplements! Golden colored Ghee is prepared by melting and simmering unsalted butter until all the water evaporates and the milk solids settle […]
The Issue of A1 & A2 Milk Proteins
What are A1 & A2 Milk Proteins? Milk is composed of proteins, sugars and fats. The cream is where the fats are stored. The proteins are found in the whey and the milk solids. Sugars are also found in the milk solids. When we talk about “A1” or “A2” milks or proteins, we are talking […]
How to use ghee
Snacks and Appetizers Toss into fresh popped popcorn or make your own: Melt ghee, add salt and popcorn, pop until done. Mix with good quality coarse sea salt (like Celtic Sea Salt). Add chives and spread over pita bread. Mix with nut butters such as almond, peanut, cashew and others for an amazing dip for […]