Question: Which of your ghees is the lowest in fat?
Answer: It seems you’re in the wrong place!
We were recently asked which of our ghee products is the lowest in fat. Since this is not the first time this question has come up, we thought it best to address it on our blog.
First things first: Ghee is 100% fat. Therefore, there is no such thing as low-fat ghee. If anyone tries to sell you low fat ghee, run the other way, because whatever they are selling, it’s not ghee!
Just like pure oil, ghee is 100% fat because all of the milk solids have been separated and removed from the melted, clarified butter that becomes ghee. Once these solids are removed what remains is the pure golden butter-oil, and it’s 100% pure butter-fat. That’s why you’ll notice on the Nutrition Facts label that ghee has the same number of calories and fat grams as all other pure oils like olive and coconut and sesame. It’s all pure fat, but … it’s really, really GOOD QUALITY, HIGHLY NOURISHING fat.
Remember, human bodies need good fats – they support a healthy immune system, a healthy heart and a healthy brain. Healthy, natural fats and oils are used as raw material for the body to make hormones, and they are vitally necessary for us to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D and E. So, you can see, traditional, natural fats like ghee are healthy and necessary. But just like any other food, moderation is the key. It never does a body good to over-eat any food, healthy or not. Overeating puts stress on our digestive organs, makes us feel uncomfortable and can contribute to weight gain.
Enjoy ghee and other natural, high quality, traditional fats and oils as part of a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle – one that focuses on whole, real, natural, delicious FOOD.
Many thanks to the folks who have asked this question. It’s given us the opportunity to address this important topic, once and for all.
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