At Pure Indian Foods, our Spiced Ghee is made with the same care and passion as our original ghee. In fact, we use the same main ingredient and processes as our original ghee – clean, certified organic milk from grass-fed, humanely treated cows, slowly simmered down to leave only the best flavors in the remaining […]
Informative Articles
What is ghee?
Ghee is a healthy, shelf-stable alternative to plain butter or other cooking oils. Indian ghee is used as an ingredient in traditional dishes, as an ideal fat for frying, and even in Ayurvedic supplements! Golden colored Ghee is prepared by melting and simmering unsalted butter until all the water evaporates and the milk solids settle […]
Ghee as an Emergency Food in Times of Disaster
Ghee is one perfect food item to keep on hand to prepare for and respond to emergencies such as natural or man-made disasters. (a national public service campaign which encourages Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies such as natural and man-made disasters) offers suggestions on how to select appropriate food to store […]
Why is ghee Paleo even though it’s dairy?
First popularized by Dr. Loren Cordain in his landmark book of the same name, the Paleo diet has since become a global phenomenon — a call to return to how we evolved to eat, with its message spread far and wide on the internet. Where possible, many Paleo dieters opt for food in its […]
Make mouth-watering pancakes using ghee
Who doesn’t love fresh hot, mouth-watering pancakes for breakfast? It’s an all-time American favorite! Pancakes can be either sweet or savory and are often made from a variety of flours such as buckwheat, spelt or whole wheat, or gluten-free and grain-free kind from nuts such as ground almonds or coconut flour. Savory pancakes are often […]
The Super Grain Known as Quinoa
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the truly tastiest and healthy grains in existence is quinoa. This super grain contains all essential amino acids, is full of protein, and even has fiber, minerals, phytonutrients, vitamin E, and B vitamins. To top it off, it’s also gluten-free. Further quinoa benefits include: Quinoa has two times the fiber as most other […]
Organic Chickpeas
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Dating as far back as 3500 BC, chickpeas have been a staple in the diets of many cultures in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Also known by the name “garbanzo beans”, these legumes are used to make a variety of dishes including chickpea salad, roasted chickpeas, hummus, chakhchoukha, and more. The two primary […]
Puzzled about sweeteners?
With so many sweeteners on the market today, it’s hard to know which ones to use and which ones to avoid. Traditional, mineral-rich sweeteners are still available for purchase from trusted sources, however there is an ever increasing number of sweeteners that are being advertised as healthy, or even natural, way to cure your […]
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Not Suitable For High Heat Cooking
In today’s kitchen one can almost always find a bottle of extra virgin olive oil. With its subtle nutty flavor, home cooks these days love to use this oil when making salad dressing, lightly sauteing vegetables, and sometimes even in baking as a substitute for butter. However, how does this oil fare in recipes that […]
Why You Need To Know about Jaggery: Benefits of Fermented Foods and Beverages
Traditional diets around the world have always called for the culturing or fermenting of certain foods and beverages. Although modern food processing is focused on quick, convenient, packaged, and microwavable “foods,” we are in the midst of a modern-day food revolution as the consumer demand for fresher and healthier food choices grows. In recent years, […]
Cow’s Milk: Is It Really Only For Calves?
Although for thousands of years humans have used the milk of other mammals as a nutritious food source, in recent years, the way the animals are raised, how they are fed, and the components of the milk has led to a host of questions about its health benefits, in particular cow’s milk which many authorities […]
Getting Healthy From the Start: Dietary Tips for Parents & Children
As obesity rates in children have risen over time, parents and health professionals are now recognizing the need to develop healthy habits at an early age. Developing good health habits at an early age makes them easier to maintain into adulthood and helps avoid illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure. Of course, doing this […]