By now, you’ve probably seen pictures like these on our Instagram account. There’s a funny story behind the backdrop. It’s actually my back deck, which…I’ve now been told I can never refinish. 🤣 You see, it’s old and weathered now. The paint is chipped and mostly gone. Years of snow and icy winters and baking in the hot summer sun has left it looking this way.
People pay good money for photography backdrops like this one. All ours cost was a little neglect!
See…it started with flour. In India, we place flour in the sun to dry. My wife, Nalini, placed flour outside to dry in the sun. But then, we forgot about it, and it rained. It went everywhere! The sun came back out, and before I could clean up the mess, the sun cooked the flour into the paint on the deck. When I went to remove it, the paint peeled away with it.
At first, I was very upset that I waited too long to clean up the flour, but now I’m so happy we have this weathered deck. People pay hundreds of dollars for photography backdrops that look this good! 🤣
The moral of the story is, there is always a silver lining. Everything has a purpose, and you never know what the future holds.
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