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The Three Sisters Stainless Steel Masala Dabba Spice Box
Paleo Butter Coffee with Coffee++
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]People have been putting butter in coffee for centuries thanks to the increase in sharpness, clarity and energy the blend offers. The combination of butter and coffee taps into the power of healthy fats and caffeine to provide an enjoyable boost that lasts all day. Thanks to the efforts of Dave Asprey, this drink is […]
Paleo Holiday Recipe Ideas With Healthy Ghee Alternative
The paleo lifestyle boasts many health benefits, but you just might find yourself having some decidedly un-paleo cravings this holiday season. The great thing is that you don’t have to give up on holiday favorites just because you’ve gone paleo. Consider updating family recipes and traditional seasonal dishes by using ghee instead of butter. […]
What Is Turmeric and How Do I Incorporate It Into My Regular Diet?
Turmeric Curcumin is a plant in the ginger family and is also known as “Indian saffron.” Its use dates back nearly 4000 years to the Vedic culture in India. There, it was a staple in culinary spice, served medicinal needs and was a component in religious ceremonies. The lovely color, aroma and rich flavor isn’t […]
Make mouth-watering pancakes using ghee
Who doesn’t love fresh hot, mouth-watering pancakes for breakfast? It’s an all-time American favorite! Pancakes can be either sweet or savory and are often made from a variety of flours such as buckwheat, spelt or whole wheat, or gluten-free and grain-free kind from nuts such as ground almonds or coconut flour. Savory pancakes are often […]
Is Ghee Paleo?
Many are making the switch to a Paleo diet in order to change their lifestyles and eating habits for good in an effort to achieve all-over body health through consuming foods that come from as close to the earth as possible. Some call it the hunter-gatherer or caveman diet because the goal is to […]
Baked Cinnamon Fennel & Pears
Holiday Sweet Potatoes
Moroccan Spiced Roasted Veggies
Moroccan Spice blend includes allspice, coriander, cayenne, cloves, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, salt, black pepper. You can order our Vindaloo Curry Spice as an alternative.
14 Gloriously Golden Turmeric Ideas!
Turmeric Curcumin, native to southeast India, and once a secret known primarily to the Indian culture, has rapidly risen in popularity in the more recent years; and for obvious reasons. In Okinawa, Japan, where people tend to live very long lives, large quantities of turmeric tea is ingested daily. It is often taken on its […]
The Super Grain Known as Quinoa
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the truly tastiest and healthy grains in existence is quinoa. This super grain contains all essential amino acids, is full of protein, and even has fiber, minerals, phytonutrients, vitamin E, and B vitamins. To top it off, it’s also gluten-free. Further quinoa benefits include: Quinoa has two times the fiber as most other […]