This is an ideal fall/winter beverage made with warmed milk, cultured kefir, Ayurvedic jaggery and a pinch of nutmeg. Kefir is a high probiotic beverage that must not be heated in order to preserve its beneficial bacteria. However, when blended with warmed milk, it becomes a delicious, nourishing, warm beverage just right for balancing VATA dosha which is naturally elevated in cool/cold, dry, fall and winter conditions.
Anjeer-Kefir Smoothie with Dates and Raw Honey
In India, figs are called “Anjeer”. They are often enjoyed in a lassi, or for a snack, or dessert. This simple recipe provides probiotic support from the kefir or yogurt. Honey can be added for greater sweetness, and feel free to add additional spices such as cinnamon and/or ground ginger as well. This recipe makes enough for one person but can be doubled, tripled, etc.
Okroshka Soup
Okroshka is a light, healthy soup eaten in the summer in Russia and Ukraine. It’s a lovely combination of sweet, sour and tangy flavors that, along with its chilled temperature, make it doubly satisfying and refreshing.