Spice Rubs for Grilling
Organic, Grass-Fed and Pasture-Raised Cows
Where does our milk come from? We make our ghee from the non-homogenized milk of grass-fed, organic, dairy cows that graze on healthy green pastures from the spring through the fall. This beautiful, nutrient-dense milk is rich in fat soluble vitamins and naturally occurring Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Specifically, the milk we purchase comes from […]
Indian Dahi Yogurt Traditionally Made in Earthen Pots
The age-old tradition of making and eating Indian yogurt dahi is considered an important part of Indian culture and cuisine. Many people in India keep to a strict vegetarian diet which makes dahi especially important as a natural, delicious probiotic food that supports healthy digestion. Indian dahi is a special form of fermented milk which […]
Homemade Indian Style Dahi Yogurt on Countertop
Homemade Indian Style Dahi Yogurt in Instant Pot
Ghee vs Olive Oil: Which is better?
Good health depends on a variety of beneficial fats and oils. Among the most popular and healthful are ghee and olive oil. But which is better? Is one healthier than the other, and how do we know which to use, and when? When it comes to calories, both ghee and olive oil come in at […]
10 Creative Ways to Use Cardamom
There are two different kinds of cardamom and a limitless number of ways to use them! Green cardamom is known as true cardamom and is the most common variety you can find. It has a strong, sweet, pungent flavor and aroma, with hints of lemon and mint. Black cardamom is a little smoky and has […]
9 Creative Ways to Use Coriander
Coriander, a classic, aromatic spice, that often gets forgotten because of the confusion with cilantro. Though from the same plant, coriander and cilantro have very unique and different flavors. Many know how to use cilantro, but not as many know how to effectively use coriander. That’s why we’ve put together this list of amazing recipes […]
15 Delicious Ways to Use Cumin
Cumin is a versatile spice that can be used in a variety of dishes! We’ve pulled together some of our favorite recipes that use this aromatic spice so that you can find out for yourself just how easy it is to use. Make sure you use the highest quality organic cumin for your recipes! 🙂 […]
I spoke at INCD this year!
My experience at INCD 2019: “I was invited to speak at the International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Chronic Diseases (INCD-2019) at IIT Guwahati, India. People in India invented ghee thousands of years ago. It has been part of their daily lives as not only a fat used in food, but also for making Ayurvedic medicines, […]
We left out the salt!
Some people like the convenience of a seasoning with salt in it. However, salt is cheap. We don’t want to decrease the overall value to you as the customer by adding salt to our seasoning blends. Adding salt means less of everything else in the same bottle. We wanted to increase the value to you […]